Use ChatGPT to Create Social Content from Newsletters


Managing a newsletter is a lot of work, and on top of that, you're expected to create social media posts to promote it. That can be a lot of work…

But no worries, we can automate the whole thing! In this tutorial, I'll show you how to use OpenAI's ChatGPT and Slack to create social media posts from your newsletters.

Using Make, we will hook up an RSS feed to the ChatGPT API, and generate a summary of each newsletter to share on social media. Then, you just need to send it to Slack, copy and paste it to your favorite social media platform, and post it right away.

Plus, in future tutorials, we will even automate the posting process itself—so you just need to confirm the post, and it'll be posted automatically on your social platforms.


  • An RSS feed for your newsletter (Most platforms have this capability!)
  • A Slack Account (or any other messaging platform)
  • A Make account (Free version is fine)

Set up the ChatGPT API

Create an OpenAI account and obtain your API key, and organization ID. Save this somewhere safe to use in the automation later. You can use the free version for a while, but you will eventually have to pay to continue using this automation.

The API is very cheap, and once GPT-4 is publicly available, it will be even cheaper.

Get the Link to the RSS Feed

In your newsletter software, find the URL to your RSS feed, and save this for use later.

Decide on Your ChatGPT Prompt

Now is the fun part! You get to create a prompt that will generate the social posts.

Get creative! You can add a few of your previous tweets to teach the AI which tone you should use, you can search twitter for inspiration, or you can freestyle your own prompt like I did for this tutorial.

There are also some great websites and newsletters that help you write better prompts, I recommend checking them out.

Set Up Your Slack Channel

Create a channel in Slack where you want the social posts to be sent to. We will connect to this in the Make automation, and send a test message to ensure everything is working properly.

Making Your Automation

Create a New Sequence in Make

Click on the ‘Create a new scenario’ button in Make, which will create a new automation for you to build off of.

On the free version of Make, you can have up to 2 active scenarios at any time. But you can have as many inactive scenarios as you’d like.

Set the Trigger as the ‘RSS’ Module

A trigger in Make is a change or event that causes a rule or target to be executed, like when a file is modified or a form is submitted.

In this scenario, we will use the ‘RSS module’ to trigger our scenario.

An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a format used to publish frequently updated content, like blog posts or newsletters, that can be easily read by users and news aggregators.

Click the ‘plus’ sign, and search for RSS. When you open the module, you will need to select the option to ‘Watch new RSS feed items’.

Type in the RSS feed url that you saved earlier. You might have to add ‘https://’ to the beginning of your URL, if it isn’t included when you copied it.

I’m just using an example URL for this tutorial, but the URL will look something like this.

Once you click ‘OK’, you will have the option to select your RSS feed start. You can select ‘From now on’, but I like to select all RSS items for testing, and then change it later when I am ready to go.

Select ‘All RSS feed items’, then right click on the module. Select ‘Run this module only’, to see what the data coming from the RSS feed looks like.

After it runs successfully, you can click the number in the top right, and view the data.

Add the ‘OpenAI’ Module

Add the OpenAI module to your scenario and select ‘create a completion’.

You will have to add an account, and paste in your API access token and Organization ID. You should have saved this earlier in the tutorial.

For this tutorial, we are going to use the most advanced version of the OpenAI API available to us in Make, which is GPT-3.5, but more specifically, the ‘text-davinci-003’ model.

Take a look at the data coming from your RSS feed, and find the newsletter content. For this tutorial, I will be using the description field. You will use this in your prompt to ChatGPT.

Write your prompt in the ‘Prompt’ section, and make sure to include your data from the RSS feed like I did in this example. If you want, you can run the automation, and check the ‘choices’ section of the OpenAI output, and see what the tweet looks like.

Add the ‘Slack’ Module

Now it’s time to send yourself the tweet! You can do this a ton of different ways, but in this tutorial we will be sending the tweet to a slack channel, so someone can copy and paste it into twitter, make changes, and post it without using much mental effort.

Add the ‘slack’ module, select ‘create a message’, and sign in to connect your account.

In the ‘Enter a channel ID or name’, choose to select from the list. Under public channel, select the channel you want to send your tweets to.

In the ‘Text’ field, write “here is the generated tweet:” and then select the output from your OpenAI module. This is typically going to look the same way: Choices[]: Text

In the bottom left corner of the scenario, you can flip the switch to ‘On’, and your scenario will start running anytime you send a newsletter!


If you follow these exact steps, you can automate the process of creating social media posts from newsletters using ChatGPT and Slack.

With this automation in place, you can save time and ensure that your followers stay up-to-date with your latest content.